Techie Colleague
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Techie Colleague

You are a colleague of the human rights defender who is also concerned about, and trained in digital security matters.

Data may be leaked because the human rights defender was carrying their mobile phone and was logged into their email and social media accounts.

As soon as you receive the Panic Button alert, your task is to ensure that your NGO’s IT systems are secure and uncompromised. To do so, find the IT Director of your NGO to warn her that accounts and files belonging to the NGO could be compromised.

She will ask you some questions about the type of information that could be at risk, so make sure that you have obtained all the necessary data from your human rights defender at risk before the alert is set off! As proof she will give you a ‘data key’ to let you know the systems are safe.

You may not communicate or speak with your human rights defender at risk after the alert has been set off.

React fast when you receive the alert. Start by locating the IT Director of your NGO. You will be able to identify this person because they will be wearing a name tag stating “IT DIRECTOR”

Provide information to the IT Director. When they are satisfied they will provide you the data key to let you know systems are safe. Once you have the key you can reconvene with the other responders in your team and bring all the evidence of each task to the Game Masters.

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